2020 homeware show (Virtual exhibition title)

Circuit Drawing, electronics components, speakers, and wood, 30cm X 90cm, 2019
회로 드로잉, 나무조각전자 부품  스피커, 85cm X 50cm, 2019

한재석작가는 밀레니엄의 그림자 아래 태어나 자라 스크린보다 종이로 봐야 지만 뇌의 각성이 이루어지면서도한편으로  글을  때는 원고 지보다 자판을 두들기는 것이 익숙한 1990년대 초반 생이다이들은 디지털적인 오감으로 감각 되지 않는 것에 대한 막연한 두려움을 가지면서아날로그적 욕망을 여전히 품고 있는온전히 디지털일 없는 ‘디지털과 유사한’(Analogous to digital) 세대이다
작가는 이번 전시를 통해전기진동 등 만질 수 없는 아날로그적인 정보들을 마이크로 컨트롤러를 통해 디지털화 시키거나전기 회로를 통해 소리 화(sonification) 하여 정보들을 감각 화 시킨다관객들은 선반액자식물 등의 인테리어 소품들 형태의 작품들을 감상할 뿐만 아니라연결되어 있는 이어폰 혹은 스피커를 통해실시간으로 정보들이 처리되어지는 사운드를 들을 수 있다일반적으로 조각과 회화와 반대되는 이러한 실용적인 인테리어 소품들은 미술품의 경계에 대해 질문한다

The artist, Chris Han, are born in the shadow of the millennium and they have a tendency to view something on paper rather than on the screen, on the other hand, when writing, it is more familiar to beat the keyboard than the manuscript. They were in the early 1990s. They have a vague fear of not being sensed by the digital five senses but live with digital literacy without clearly defining the boundary between the Internet and the physical world. It's an almost ‘analogous to digital generation’ that's almost digital but still retains its analog desire.

In this exhibition, I digitize intangible analog information such as light, electricity, and vibration through a microcontroller, or sensitize the information by sounding through an electric circuit. Audiences can not only see the works in the form of homeware such as shelves, photo frame and indoor plants, but also hear the sound of information being processed in real time through earphones or speakers attached on the sculptures. These practical homewares, as opposed to sculpture and painting in art, question the boundaries of art.

Floating shelves instrument, wood stud and electronic components, 80cm x 90cm, 2020
선반 악기나무조각  전자 부품, 80cm X 90cm, 2020

Floating shelves instrument, wood stud and electronic components, 80cm x 90cm, 2020
선반 악기나무조각  전자 부품, 80cm X 90cm, 2020

Floating shelves instrument II, wood stud and electronic components, 85cm x 50cm, 2020
선반 악기II, 나무조각  전자 부품, 85cm X 50cm, 2020

 Floating shelves instrument II, wood stud and electronic components, 85cm x 50cm, 2020
선반 악기II, 나무조각  전자 부품, 85cm X 50cm, 2020

Orchid speakers, electronics components, speakers, and wood, 80cm X 30cm X 120cm, 2019
난초 스피커, 나무조각전자 부품  스피커, 85cm X 50cm X 120cm, 2019
