Blue Line, HO scale train, speakers, electronic components, mixers, wood studs, installation, 2019
This is another iteration of the work titled Shadow of the sound, 2018. Inspired by Peter Vogel, I've been exploring the basic structure of analog electronics. By using photo resistor, the sound could be changed by lightness of the room. Along with the train track, also inspired by Ryota Kuwakubo, HO scale train with LED, controlled by micro-controller, moves around the room. The LED slowly moves around the circuit board and triggers the sound which is changed slowly.
'Penumbra' is a weak shadow between light and darkness, and it can be interpreted as an ambiguous thing that exists in the middle or not. I think that this is closely related to the theme of between noise and music, which is a recent interest. If the noise has a constant beat, it can be interpreted as a music or rhythmical sound. In this work, it is possible to produce different beats because the work has circulatory system. Also, when the tempo becomes shorter, it changes to a specific note, which can produce a specific melody.
Also, this work is in the middle between circuit board and sculpture as well as between sculpture and real-time cinema. On the other hand, I focus on aesthetic aspect of circuit design and made own circuit boards by using metal rods instead of using PCB board. These sculpture pieces are projected on the wall by LED light and keep making landscape images such as sort of building, apartment, or power plant. By combining sound and images, this work resonance with exhibition space and provide space where audience can immerse into the work.
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