2013 Encounter Between a Camcorder and Projector

. Encounter Between a Camcorder and Projector, A Projector, Camcoder, MIC, 2 Speaker, 2013

"I perceived video-feedback-phenomenon, which is the process that starts and continues when a video camera is pointed at its own playback video monitor, as a conversation between them. I expressed this perception by having the camcorder film the corner area of the projector, making it seem like their dialogue was being sent somewhere. Also, I utilized the feedback sound to reenact the sounds of the conversation they could be having."

"나는 자기가 보는 시선을 다른 매개체가 보여주고 다시 그것을 찍는 비디오 피드백 현상이 캠코더 프로젝터가 서로 대화를 나누는 것처럼 느껴졌다. 영상에서 캠코더 프로젝트 어느 한 구석부분을 찍고 있고 그 찍혀진 영상은 그들의 대화가 어딘가로 전송되듯이 벽에 투사된다, 피드백된 사운드는 그들이 사용할 수도 있을지도 모르는 소리들을  재현한다."
