2018 Shadow of sound

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018

 I recently have been exploring the basic structure and principle of soundand I was able to build my own analog electronic circuit board. By using inverter chip which is semiconductor, I’ve made simple oscillator and by connecting this chip to another chip which is binary counter chip, I’ve made analog electronic synthesizer. In this chip, because of using photo resistor instead of normal resistor, the sound could be changed by lightness of the room. Around the circuit board, I’ve installed pulley which is rotated by timing motor and also, I’ve attached LED on the pulley wire. Because of low RPM of motor, the LED slowly moves around the circuit board and triggers the sound which is changed very slowly. 

<  Detail view >

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018

<  Video  >

Shadow of sound, speaker, motor, pulley, circuit board, 2018
